Dedicated Wesco employee to help manage and maintain your storeoom
Flexible configuration
Simple-to-use Internet and hand-held devices
Ability to consolidate and cross parts to desired suppliers and work toward the migration of new products
Comprehensive reporting capabilities and the ability to track specific item usage and cost savings
Improve Order Accuracy
It's all in the barcode! No more manual identification of product and handwriting part numbers or product descriptions.
Orders are automatically submitted by the Wesco Storeroom employee to the Wesco system through EDI (Electronic Data Interface), reducing errors from keystroke or misinformation.
Increased product availability and reduced backordering
Branch inventory optimization. As a result of initial and ongoing product selection procedures we gain better knowledge about what you're likely to purchase. In turn, this helps us better prepare stock at our branch locations and eliminate stockouts.
Achieve Significant Time Savings
Orders can be scanned and transmitted in a fraction of the time that it takes to create a handwritten or manual purchase order.
e-Stock eliminates "phone tag" communication to salespeople or unsuccessful fax transmissions to branches. It’s a paperless, error-free order transmission.